Coach David Fladhammer --Bio
Coach Fladhammer (aka “Coach Fladdy”) – head freshman coach. Coach Fladdy is a native of Arizona, living in the Phoenix area his whole life.
He has been married forever to Cathy and has two adult sons, a wonderful daughter-in-law, and 3 incredible grandchildren, who are his pride and joy.
Coach Fladdy began his coaching endeavor about 25+ years ago, starting with Little League and other competitive club leagues. His winning record includes a Junior PV North state title and a Western regional championship title in Pony League. About 15 years ago he was challenged to take on high school as a pitching and batting coach, later moving on to head freshman coach. And this is where his sweet spot was found and the love affair began.
Anyone who knows Coach Fladdy will tell you that he’s a one-of-a-kind baseball coach with a sincere dedication to advance his players. His teaching philosophy is heavy in discipline, learning and practicing the mechanics, to win as a team, and it’s not a game if you don’t have fun. Although he is tough in his coaching tactics, players and parents will tell you he has a unique and “entertaining” approach to his coaching – something you have to experience to believe