Email Blast 8/3/2023 - Pinnacle Baseball Parents (ALL GRADES)
Pinnacle Baseball Parents:
A few of you have been asking for information about the fall program. I wanted to share what I know:
-There will be a players meeting for all players wanting to participate in the fall program and Coach Messina. The meeting will be help Wednesday August 16 in the auditorium at lunch.
-There will be two teams again this fall. There will be an Underclass team made up primarily of Freshman and Sophomores and an “Upperclass” team made primarily of Juniors and Seniors. Coach Messina will invite some Freshman and Sophomores to play with the Upperclass group. Your sons will need to talk to Coach for those assignments when the time comes.
-One of the best ways to stay in the know on what is going on is the Remind App. This is a direct line of communication from Coach Messina to players and parents. To sign up for the Remind App: Text @c69ahbd to 81010 for Underclass and Text @43hh67 to 81010 for Upperclass. For players who aren’t sure or may go back and forth…sign up for both!
-Practices will be Tuesday and Thursday for Underclass and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for Upperclass. Pitchers and Catchers will start 8/22. Everyone else will start 8/29. More info to come on start and finish times.
-There will be a Community Ed. sign up. Coach Messina is finalizing details and hoping to have that out next week. The cost to Community Ed. (fields, insurance, coaching) will be $150 for fall and $100 for winter (January to tryouts). This fee is paid online to Community Ed.
** CREATE YOUR COMMUNITY EDUCATION ACCOUNT : CLICK HERE [note; Pinnacle HS Fall Camp may not appear as available until later]
-There will be a booster club fee of $100 which will cover fall and winter. This will include a hat and jersey for each player. It will also cover umpire costs and other fees during that time.
-We will have a Team Shop link sent soon for fall gear. As I mentioned, each kid will get a hat and one jersey. Since all the returners have multiple shirts, shorts, hoodies it’s been decided to do minimal gear with the option for parents to buy anything else they want online.
-The first Pinnacle Booster Club meeting will be in the next couple weeks. More info to come. There are still a few key positions we need to have filled.
Again, more info to come. Please forward to any incoming freshman (2027s).

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